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Our Family

Our Story begins when Isaac and I were in highschool. We met my sophmore and his senior year. We started dating and the rest is history! ;) Ok, so maybe I should share a bit more here. In 1998, we married after dating for several years. A year later our little Sammy was born 5 days shy of our first anniversary. Two yaers later, we were blessed with our little Sera, 10 days before her big sister's birthday! I know, I know, July is a busy month for us! :)


For the last 11 years we have been content with our little family and focusing on raising the girls, homeschooling them, and just enjoying them to the full extent possible. Although I have always wanted a big family, we made a decision many years ago to surgically put an end to my ability to get pregnant. It was done for many reasons and I won't go into the details. However, over the years, we discussed, on many occasions, if we were really done having children. Our adoption story is proof that we were not!


In mid 2012, I felt God telling me that we were going to adopt. However, Isaac was not on board at that point and I think he thought I was a bit crazy! :) After months of praying about adopting, both on our own and together, God began to move in and change Isaac's heart; what a blessing it was to be able to watch that happen!


Early on the monring of December 6th, 2012, I got a text from Isaac saying that I needed to get our girls home; anything the Lord is in he was in 1000%! I have to admit I was not prepared for that text or for the fact that God would work on his heart so quickly, but boy was I elated to see movement in the plan for our family God had shown me so many months before! After many discussions and lots more prayer we began speakign with our social worker at the adoption agency and submitted our application for adoption at the beginning of January, 2013.


Fast Forward a year and a half; after filling out mountains of paperwork  and doing a lot of different fundraisers, we found ourselves anxiously awaiting the arrival of our daughter, Julia Ann Grace, in a hotel suite in Jinan, China. This was a surreal time for us and one that was full of great joy and great sorrow. Our time in China was hard, but we were able to enjoy some of our daughter's culture and home. After weeks of appts and what felt like a version of the amazing race in a foreign country, we boarded a plane, eager to be home and start our new life as a family.


After coming home, we quickly felt God nudging and reminding us that our other daughter was still waiting in China to come home. So here we are, continuing this adoption journey that God started us on in 2012. On March 20th, we will be adding our fifth daughter to our family, Neva Marie, and in the next few years to come, two more precious daughters will be making their way into our family. While we don't know the plan or timing for those adoptions now, we know that God is calling out again.


For all of you that have supported and prayed for us these last few years, we humbly thank you and ask that you continue to pray for our family. Adoption can be a messy business, but we are so grateful that the Lord has called us to this mission field and we could not imagine our lives with out our sweet Julia Ann amazing Brooke Lynn and cannot even grasp the blessings to come with the addition of Neva Marie.  We thank God daily for all of you and for the four precious lives he has entrusted us to parent in this life.


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